
Regular services
Everyone is welcome to our services. We already have a broad range of people who join us regularly of all ages and backgrounds. And we are always pleased to welcome new people!
You are very welcome to join us for Holy Communion at 10am on Sunday, which follow the pattern below and details can be found in our calendar:
First Sunday of the month
All Age Holy Communion:
At this service we try to make the formal structure of Holy Communion accessible to all the generations, with a special focus on our youngest members. We have two readings; an informal talk; and plenty of the rousing hymns we all love to sing. The Eucharistic Prayer is responsive so that the congregation are involved throughout.
People of all ages help lead this service, from welcoming, to reading, leading prayers, and assisting with the chalice. It is our most popular monthly service!
Second Sunday of the month
Choral Holy Communion with Children’s Church in the Hall:
We begin this service with the whole Church family gathered to sing our first hymn and to say our initial prayers. The children and their families are then prayed for as they move to the Hall for the Diddy Disciples session.
In the main body of the Church, we hear three Bible readings as well as a psalm. The Eucharistic prayer is sung with responses from the choir and congregation. There is often an anthem at these services.
The children and their families re-join us so that we can come before God’s table to receive Communion or blessing together.
Third (and fourth) Sunday of the month
Holy Communion with Children’s Church in the Hall:
This service shares the same structure as that of the Second Sunday of the month but does not include the singing of the Eucharistic prayer nor an anthem ordinarily.
Last Sunday of the month
All in Church together Holy Communion:
This service is an opportunity to gather as God’s whole family with our ‘usual’ Holy Communion service. Once more, people of all ages help lead this service, from welcoming, to reading, leading prayers, and assisting with the chalice.
The Lady Chapel is open for quiet prayer and reflection from 9.45am before, and until 11.30am after, our Sunday Communion services.
Refreshments are available after the service. You’re very welcome to join us and get to know us better.
Weekday services
We celebrate Holy Communion every Thursday at 10am followed by coffee.
The Church is open every Saturday from 10am till 11am for anyone who has a query or for those who wish to look around the Church.