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History of the Bells 

St John the Baptist has not always had the 8 bells that ring out for Sunday service these days. Originally there were only 6 bells, this being the normal number for all but the richest communities.
However as Eltham grew as a town, it was decided to enhance the ring to 8 bells. The restoration project was organised by Captain W. Anderson M.C. and by 1924, the money was finally raised to do the work.
This involved replacing the old wooden frame with a stronger, longer lasting, metal one. Also, for musical reasons, the existing bells had to be re-tuned slightly to match the two new higher toned ones, to create the perfect octave we have today. Finally, this was when the electronically wound clock was added. All this work was carried out by Gillett & Johnston, Bellfounders and clockmakers, who are still based in Croydon today.
For the musically aware, the bells are tuned to G. The heaviest bell, known as the tenor, weighs 10 hundred weight, 2 quarter weight and 24 pounds. The lightest bell, known as the treble, is about a third of that weight. It is inscribed with the name Mary, in memory of Mary C.L Yeatman and E.M. Yeatman.

Bell-ringing today

Today we ring twice a week at least. On a Sunday morning the ringing of the bells announces that the time for service approaches. And as we cannot get good enough to ring without practice, we also meet on a Tuesday evening.
There are other occasions where you will hear the bells ring out. We can ring to proclaim the good news that a wedding has taken place, or to share the sad news that a funeral has been held. And ringing out the old, ringing in the new, is a traditional way of marking the start of the New Year.
We also ring what are called peals, which take about 3 hours, or quarter peals, that take 45 minutes. These are sometimes done to mark a special event such as the Queen’s Coronation, but can also be done just as a way of getting extra practice, and for the sense of achievement!

Finally, we will occasionally allow visiting bands to ring at our tower at the weekend, just as we will go to other towers ourselves.
If you wish to learn more about the bells, or bell-ringing, then drop us a line on
Read another report about our bells.

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Planning your Visit

A Warm Hello 

The following information is specifically for those planning a visit, so that you know, beforehand, what to expect on a Sunday morning. People of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to join us. We are an eclectic inclusive church. There is space for buggies and it is a safe place for breastfeeding.

Where and When

We meet in the Church for our Sunday Service starting at 10am. When you arrive, you will be greeted by one of our welcomers.

Accessibility: There is wheelchair access, and a sound loop for anyone who needs it. We don't currently have a disabled toilet.

Our Service

The main service begins at 10am with a warm welcome from the priest. You will then be invited to stand and we sing a hymn while the choir, servers and priest process in. The service can be followed in the service booklet handed out by the welcomers. Our style of worship follows the Church of England Common Worship. It is easy to follow, with a mixture of prayers and hymns (both traditional and modern), and includes Holy Communion each week. We all begin together in church, and on the weeks when there is Children's Church, the children move into the hall before the readings begin. They then rejoin us for Communion. After the service free refreshments are available in the hall. 

What about my kids?

Children are welcome in the church service. There are books available and a colouring table. We encourage parents to help the children engage in the service by following the service sheet together, joining in with the talk in All Age services, and joining in with prayers where they can.

On the second, third (and sometimes fourth) Sunday of the month we have Children's Church which uses the Diddy Disciples resources. It involves bible stories, songs, prayers and craft. Parents are encouraged to stay with their children if they are below school age to help them get as much out of the session as possible. 

We want parents to be able to feel they can worship as much as possible as well as the children, so that church can be a place of refreshment, friendship and spiritually uplifting for everyone.

As children get older, there are more opportunities for them to participate in the life of the church. For more information please see our Children's Church page. 


Get in touch with us to plan your visit
If you would like to come and visit the church beforehand you are more than welcome! Get in touch and we can arrange a time that suits you.
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Comments / Questions or anything you would like to say?

Next, we will contact you by email to say hello and help arrange anything necessary for your visit.


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We hope that whoever you are, you will feel at home at our church.

Best Wishes

(Handwritten Signature)